Council News
News-11-15-2021The Council of Health Insurance Organizes a Workshop for Health Insurance Companies and Claims Management



The Council of Health Insurance has organized a workshop today, Monday November 15th, 2021, with the participation of Health Insurance companies and Claims Management to discourse the Council's major updates and its initiatives to improve the sector.


The workshop's agenda included a series of important topics, primarily the update of the Health Insurance Dealings platform “Nafees", the updated benefits package, the Health Insurance Fund, and the evaluation of the clients' experience. 


The organization of the workshop came from the responsibility of the Council of Health Insurance in empowering the sector, and its determination to harmonize its projects with the Health Insurance companies and Claims Management companies in order to unify the efforts to fulfill the 2020-2024 strategy, to strengthen the clients' health through an organizational environment that is based on protection and empowers the persons concerned and ensures transparency, justice, quality, and competence.


On his part, the spokesman of the Council of Health Insurance Mr. Ahmad Abu Amarah has confirmed the Council's commitment to hold such workshops to discourse the major updates of the Health Insurance sector and to inform the parties of the insurable relationship on the aspects that concern them, knowing the importance of complementary work to achieve the objectives.


“We made sure that Health Insurance Companies and Claims Management Companies participate in the workshop, whether in person or online, to discourse the main projects and initiatives that aim to empower clients to obtain their full rights of care and protection in a sector that is motivated by quality and competence and achieves digital transformation." Said Abu Amarah. He also indicated that many benefits that enhance their efforts to fulfill the Council's strategy will be attained.


Last Update : 11/16/2021 11:40 AM


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