Council News
CHI sponsors “Deep Dive-2022 Conference”



The Council of Health Insurance “CHI" will participate in the Fourth Conference of Family Medicine “Deep Dive Conference" as a diamond sponsor. The four-day event will take place Wednesday in Dammam.


The sponsorship reflects CHI continued efforts to promote its social responsibility role and support continuing medical education while focusing on Saudi expertise.


Over 1,000 primary care and family medicine physicians as well as multi-specialty and healthcare professionals are expected to attend. The event is viewed as the most important hub for continuing medical education in the field of primary care and family medicine.


Dr. Nasser Aljehani, Executive Director of Enablement and Supervision and Spokesperson for the Council of Health Insurance, will present a working paper on a multitude of key topics. These include the new basic benefits package, the new primary care promotion project, population health management, and chronic illness records. High-profile speakers and specialists will participate in lectures, workshops, and a seminar.


The council keeps those interested in family medicine and specialists up to date on CHI's latest improvement in the health insurance sector and engages them in the transformation of the industry. All governmental and scientific health organizations involved with primary care will have meetings in conjunction with the Deep Dive Conference, providing an opportunity for all front-line health professionals and business owners to interact with primary care leaders in the Kingdom.


Last Update : 6/1/2022 4:39 PM


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