Council News
Beneficiary Satisfaction Rate Reaches 94% in June ... CCHI: (35026) Calls through Customer Service Center


Data published by the Council of Cooperative Health Insurance (CCHI) has revealed that the number of communication calls through the CCHI's customer service center exceeded (35025) calls in June, and the number of received complaints was (11,211), while (5193) calls were to inquire about various health insurance procedures.

The spokesperson for the CCHI, Yasser Al-Ma'arak, said: “The level of service provided to beneficiaries had a high rating of (99.63%) while the percentage of beneficiary satisfaction reached (94.65%), pointing out that the growing number of complaints is a positive indicator of the development level of the customer service system in the CCHI and shows also the increased level of awareness of insurance rights of the insured."

He added that the CCHI has carried out major updates in this regard by automating complaint procedures and supporting the digital transformation to contribute to raising the level of the health insurance market industry and keeping pace with the aspirations of the beneficiaries, as the customer service center has begun to provide services to beneficiaries in three languages (Arabic, English and Urdu).

Al-Ma'arak indicated that the CCHI is working on consolidating the concept of customer services through the continuous updating of complaint and inquiries receiving mechanisms from all parties to the relationship of insurance. Where the CCHI's customer service system is an integrated system designed to serve all parties to the relationship of insurance, and enables them to submit their complaints to be verified internally by the verification unit, and considering the response to such complaints by the investigation unit. This system also allows recording all data of incoming calls to the call center and outgoing calls as well in addition to complaints and inquiries.

Al-Ma'arak urged all beneficiaries not to hesitate to communicate with the General Secretariat through the website: and benefit from the available communication channels to answer all questions, receive feedback, suggestions and complaints through the following channels: the unified phone number: 920001177, E-mail: or the smartphone App, in addition to social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) on the official pages of the CCHI: (cchiksa).​

Last Update : 7/13/2020 2:23 PM


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