Council News
Health Insurance organizes a workshop on VAT calculation


The Council of Cooperative Health Insurance organized a workshop on the calculation of VAT on Wednesday, current September 18, and is expected to participate in this workshop more than (60) specialists representing health care providers and health insurance companies.

Council Spokesman Mr. Yasser al-Maarik said that the deliberations of the workshop will focus on: Payment of the taxes on future revenues when collected and clarification of the information required from the service provider when issuing the invoice, as well as improving the mechanisms of application.

He stated that this workshop is part of the efforts exerted by the Council in supporting and improving the business environment, developing and upgrading the health insurance industry, ensuring long-term sustainability, enhancing the quality of health care services and raising the level of coordination between the relevant entities.

Last Update : 10/6/2019 2:18 PM


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