Council News
CCHI Achieves 95% E-Transformation of Services

The Council of Cooperative Health Insurance (CCHI) revealed it has achieved digital transformation for 95.45% of its services, against 4.55% for conventional services; it recorded (87.5%) of services as (Government-Business) compared with (12.5%) of services as (Government-Government); thus, the percentage of main government services provided to CCHI digitally and with a high effect (94.55%).

The General Secretariat has recently accomplished various electronic services, the most notable of which are the services of unified health insurance policy application, inquiry about status of health insurance, the visitor system that made insurance as obligatory on extension of visits to the Kingdom, in addition to the services of automating the customer services and CCHI procedures, said Mr. Yasser Al-Maarek, CCHI spokesman. He added that a unified center was established for customer service through all available communication channels. Automation was carried out for customer service operations, as well as for related delivery and documentation, as well as taking decisions in this regard through contacting the General Secretariat via a phone call to the unified number, the website or the smart phone application.

Al-Maarek added that the General Secretariat has been keen on automation and streamlining of delivery of complaints and communication with insurance companies, which accelerated the processing of complaints and achieved satisfaction of the insured about the General Secretariat that placed the contact center under its management, thus leading to the improvement of services and response to client inquiries. The Secretariat also accomplished the project of archiving all processes in a reliable database that enables all departments to extract various reports to help in decision making. Capitalizing on Yesser e-services, a linkage was carried out to the Government Secure Network and the CCHI services were posted on Saudi website in the government services guide to enable access and utilization by nationals and residents. This empowered CCHI to rank 36th, out of 198 government regulatory entity, in terms of maturity in e-services.

CCHI has also taken an advanced ranking on the government services maturity index, scoring an “excellent” evaluation within the health sector institutions placed by the index in the green category, with a percentage of 85%-100% as per performance in the provision of e-services. The digitalization and development level measurement took showed it provides e-services to the public at an outstanding degree.



Last Update : 10/8/2018 4:01 PM


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