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Health insurance companies are obliged to cover breast cancer treatment and reconstructive surgeries


The Council of Cooperative Health Insurance confirmed that health insurance companies are obliged to cover the cost of treatment of benign tumors and cancer, especially breast cancer, to the maximum benifit. The council spokesman Yasser Al-Maarik on the occasion of the Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which begins on the first day of October and continues until the end of each year, said that "The maximum benefit limit for the treatment of breast cancer amounts to 500,000 Saudi Riyals during the term of the policy, including all medical examinations, diagnostics, treatment, medicines and reconstructive surgeries' expenses" pointing out that the third paragraph of section III of the Cooperative Health Insurance policy stressed "the coverage of surgeries and cosmetic treatment if necessitated by an accidental physical injury"  This applies to breast cancer patients as the reconstructive surgeries entails the rehabilitation of the organ to perform its normal function.

Al-Maarik urged the insured private sector workers and their families to fill out the Unified disclosure form, which includes diseases such as (Benign tumors, cancer, autoimmune diseases or sclerosis, heart disease, kidney failure, and viral hepatitis) which have a direct impact on the calculation of the insurance premium value. He noted that the disclosure of these diseases in a transparent and complete manner enables the insured to access the care that meets their needs and conforms to the benefits and conditions of the unified Cooperative Health Insurance policy. He also pointed out that the health insurance policy covers a package of benefits including all expenses of medical examination, diagnostics, treatment, medicines and hospitalization, including surgeries, one-day surgeries or treatments in accordance to policy schedule.

He encouraged the insured to communicate with the Council and take advantage of the available channels of communication to answer all questions and receive comments, suggestions and receive complaints through the following channels: Unified No.: 920001177, Email: or smartphone application, as well as social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) on the official pages of the Council: cchiksa. It worth mentioning that October is the International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It takes pink or pinkish color slogan to raise awareness on breast cancer, which is a common type of malignant tumors that affects women at all ages.


Last Update : 11/6/2020 3:37 PM


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