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To strengthen the preventive aspect Health Insurance: Insurance covers influenza vaccination as a benefit of the policy


Yasser Al-Maarik, spokesman for the Council of Cooperative Health Insurance, stressed that seasonal vaccinations, including influenza vaccination, are covered within the benefits of the unified health insurance policy, which stipulated that the insurance coverage includes preventive measures included in the national vaccination table that contained more than 36 vaccinations including seasonal vaccinations and maternal and child care in accordance with the instructions issued by the Ministry of Health. Al-Maarik encouraged all insured workers in the private sector and members of their families to take preventive vaccinations that contribute to enhance the level of protection against diseases or infections. It also protects surrounding persons in the family, the work environment or in public places, especially those exposed to influenza complications suffering from chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and lung diseases. He pointed out that the limits of financial coverage of the health insurance policy amounts to (500) thousand riyals, covering a package of benefits including all expenses of medical examination, diagnostics, treatment, medication, hospitalization, dental and periodontal treatment according to the policy schedule. Indicating that the cooperative health insurance system obliges private sector's employer to provide health insurance to all workers and members of their families (Wife or wives, male sons up to 25 years, girls until marriage). Al-Maarik encouraged all insured persons to be aware of their insurance rights through checking the cooperative health insurance law, the executive regulations and the unified policy, and to utilize the communication channels of the General Secretariat for Health Insurance to seek respond to all inquiries, receive comments and suggestions and receive complaints through one of the following channels:

 Unified Number: 920001177, Web Portal:, Email:, or smart phone application in addition to social media channels (Twitter Facebook LinkedIn) ) On Official page of the Council: cchi.ksa


Last Update : 10/6/2019 2:22 PM


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