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Permission of Treatment outside the Accredited Network... CCHI: Two Conditions Covered by Insurance when Suspected of Covid-19

​​​​​The Council of Cooperative Health Insurance (CCHI) has issued an important circulation to all accredited health insurance compa​nies and health care service providers to treat suspected cases of Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) as urgent cases and provide them with health care services directly without referring to the insurance company provided that the company is notified within 24 hours of receiving the case.
The CCHI spokesperson, Mr. Yasser Al-Ma'arak, indicated that the suspected cases of (Covid-19) disease are considered of urgent medical care levels that are specified by the Ministry of Health (MOH), and the insured can obtain such urgent medical care outside the network of accredited service providers inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia due to the current circumstances and be treated as urgent cases.

He explained that suspected cases fall under two conditions (contact with confirmed cases of (Covid-19) or cases coming from the outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and suspected of (Covid-19).
Al-Ma'arak added that this procedure comes within the context of the CCHI initiatives to support the efforts of sister government sectors and strengthen precautionary measures to prevent the spread of (Covid-19) disease.
He emphasized that all qualified health insurance companies and accredited health care service providers in the private sector must take all health measures related to screening, diagnosis, treatment and isolation of all suspected cases of (Covid-19) disease from the insured citizens and residents.
Al-Ma'arak also said that the CCHI has allocated a number of communication channels to provide all information about the Cooperative Health Insurance Law, Implementing Regulations and the Standard Document in addition to responding to inquiries and receiving comments and complaints through the standard phone number (920001177), website(, or Email (, the smart phone App (cchi.ksa) and social media channels (Twitter Facebook LinkedIn) on the official page.

Last Update : 7/6/2020 1:43 PM


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